May 1915.

Fermanagh Herald May 1st. 1915.  THE DRINK TRAFFIC AND LISNASKEA GUARDIANS.   CLOSING OF THE PUBLIC HOUSES.  A copy of a resolution passed by the Ballymena Board of Guardians “viewing with great apprehension the grave position in which the nation was placed,” “and that the drink traffic was in every direction working havoc and asking the legislature to carry through a measure for the complete suppression of the traffic during the war,” was read. The chairman objected to the adoption of the report as it was only a move to kill one of the few industries in Ireland.  Mr. Kirkpatrick said it was awful the amount of money people who were receiving the bounty, were spending on drink.  Mr. Kirkpatrick said it would do no harm to adopt the resolution and the Chairman disagreed.  The Chairman said it would do a lot of harm to other people.  The government would do nothing to the “weak beer” in England but they were trying to kill the little whisky industry in Ireland.  Mr. Kirkpatrick said that they would all have to drink coffee after a while.  The Chairman said there would be no need to consume such a beverage as they could make that whiskey in the mountains. (laughter.)


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS.  How is the two million pound scheme for lighting Ireland with electricity generated at Belleek progressing?

How much extra land has been put under tillage in Fermanagh this year as result of the war?

How did Judge Johnston, then deciding a motor accident case at the Quarter Sessions after saying he could not see how the defendant was guilty of any negligence, then fine him £5 and costs for negligence?

What foundation is there for the remark made by Mr. James McGovern, J.P. at the Enniskillen Urban Council on Monday that that body had always taken precautions to employ old men on their working staff so as to leave the younger men free to join the army?

Will the action of the magistrates in Clones and Enniskillen in greatly increasing the fines inflicted for offenses of drunkenness, during the period of the war, have any effect in decreasing the number of cases in our local courts?

Is Clones not well off for public lighting having both a gas company and an electric light company?  The cost of lighting Clones for the season ended the 8th of April by electricity was £89 as compared with £126 paid for gas during the corresponding period of the previous year?  How can the gas company tender now at £75.00 with the price of coal and everything else enormously increased. They must have made a tidy profit when getting £126  for the same amount of gas manufactured under more favourable conditions?


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  LEAVING ENNISKILLEN.  The Dragoons departed at about 8.30 in the morning and proceeded at a leisurely pace to Lisnaskea, where a halt was called for a time.  The second stage of the journey was then commenced, and at 1.30 o’clock Clones was reached.  The Cyclists did not leave Enniskillen until after one or clock and they took a short breather at Lisnaskea and arrived at Clones at 4.00

The weather was ideal for the journey, being dry and bright, yet not too warm, but the cyclist suffered somewhat from the dust, with which they were liberally covered before they had gone far, the men in the rear ranks naturally receiving the lion’s share of this commodity which settled on their machines, their uniforms and accoutrements and paid particular attention to their eyes, ears and hair, so that when he reached by their journey’s end they looked like men who had come through a hard and arduous campaign, and there was a universal demand for water, and still more water, with which most of the evidence of their ride was soon eradicated.

The horsemen had not suffered nearly so much from the dust as they were, of course, higher from the ground and where possible used the grass margins along the side of the road on which to ride and which is to be found practically the whole way from Enniskillen to Clones. An advance guard had preceded them on the previous night to the latter place so that upon their arrival everything was found in complete readiness.  Clones contains perhaps the best stabling accommodation to be found in a town of that size anywhere in Ulster, and not the least difficulty was experienced in procuring ample room for the hundred Dragoon horses, the great majority of which were comfortably housed in the stables belonging to Mr. Joseph Clarke, Mr. John Nixon, Mr. John Robinson, and of Messrs. Levinson & Company.  The men of the cavalry regiment were comfortably billeted in the Townhall and the Orange Hall while the cyclists were equally well catered for in St. Joseph’s Temperance Hall and at the Pringle Memorial Hall.  The officers had rooms in Robinson’s Hotel and the Aberdeen Arms Hotel.


The people of Clones cannot be accused of making any exaggerated display of enthusiasm for military ardour on the occasion, in fact they cannot be accused of showing any interest in what was, after all, an historic event, the visit of two regiments on their way to finally complete their training before going out to fight against a ruthless and merciless foe.


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  THE MARCH TO BERLIN AND THE FORMER PRO-GERMANS WHO ARE STOPPING IT.  Our readers (says the Daily Mail) will remember that during the many long years in which the Daily Mail aided by other newspapers was endeavouring to prove to the British public that the German Empire was preparing for war with Great Britain this newspaper was steadily abused by certain pro-German newspapers.  These organs were chiefly Mr. Cadbury’s Daily News, which vociferously played the German game by urging the British Government not to make war preparations; the Daily Chronicle, in which Mr. Frank Lloyd even within a few months of the beginning of the war, dwelt upon the peaceful outlook for Europe and the Westminster Gazette wherein Sir Alfred Mond and Sir John Brunner, up to the very declaration of war bleated pro-Germanism.

The same politicians and the same newspapers that did not know the war was coming are still endeavouring to make the public believe that the Germans are on the eve of collapse for want of corn, copper, or cash.

Our readers know that against a continuous tirade of ridicule and ignorance from one of these newspapers, we predicted that the aeroplane would be an essential factor in the coming war.  We believe that this government which did not see the war coming does not now understand the terrific nature of the struggle before it.

Just as for years we advocated a large Navy, the provision of a large Army, the development of aeroplanes and waterplanes, so today we urge that preparations for the war on a far greater scale than are now under contemplation be immediately put in hand that the crowd of young “shirkers” all over the country who are standing back from enlistment when married men are in khaki be “fetched” and, above all that more troops, guns and shells be immediately sent to Sir John French.


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  THE ENEMIES BARBAROUS TACTICS and continued use of poisonous gases.  A new German gone bombards Dunkirk and there is severe fighting on the British front while a deadly struggle is going on in Poland.


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  THE GOVERNMENT’S DRINK PROPOSALS.  A DRASTIC SCHEME AND HEAVY TAXATION.  Mr. Lloyd George introduced on Thursday his proposals for dealing with the liquor question. In his speech he said that the Government had been blamed for having attached too much importance to the drink question in relation to the output of munitions.  It was said that they had treated it as if it were the total cause of any delay which had taken place.  That was exactly the reverse of the fact.  In the present war, munitions and materials were of more importance than men.  The small minority of workmen who shirked their duty could throw the whole lot out of gear.  The loss of time was mostly attributable to excessive drinking.  The slackness of activity in many of the shipyards was causing anxiety to those in command of the High Seas Fleet.

With regard to private yards, reports from the Clyde, Tyne, and Barrow, showed that about the end of March the amount of work put in by the men was much less than could be reasonably expected.  While the country was at war the men were doing less than in peace times.  The problem was to get these men to do a normal week’s work.

During a week in one yard turning out submarines, only 60 fitters out of 103 worked a full day on Monday; on Tuesday only 90, on Wednesday only 86, on Thursday 77, on Friday 91 and on Saturday 103.  This represents a loss of 30 per cent on the peace basis.  In every case the principal cause was excessive drinking.

In addition to extra taxation the government was to have are complete and thorough control of the liquor traffic in areas producing war materials.  They would have power to close any public house, and power to suppress the sale of spirits were heavy beer is in such areas.  He did not claim that the measures were heroic, but he hoped that they would be sufficient.

Mr. Redmond promptly entered a caveat against the increased taxation upon whiskey and heavy beers, which, he said, would destroy a great Irish Industry and was in no way justified by the facts of the case, since in Ireland there had been no such increase in drinkingas was alleged to have occurred in Great Britain.


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  OPPOSITION IN IRELAND.  DUBLIN.  A mass meeting of the citizens of Dublin together with some representatives from the country, was held on Sunday in the Phoenix Park to protest against the proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to impose increased taxation on whisky, beer, and wines, so far as Ireland is concerned.  There were three platforms.  The resolution was passed protesting against the imposition of any further taxation on this country, and calling upon the Irish members of Parliament to prevent the extension to Ireland of proposals, which, it was contended, would have the effect of extinguishing at least two important industries, in regard to which Ireland stands preeminent.


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  BELLEEK.  BOY DROWNED.  On Friday afternoon, at Clyhore, convenient to Belleek a distressing occurrence took place, as a result of which a little boy belonging to Mr. Robert J.  Donaldson, general merchant, fell into the River Erne and was carried away and drowned.  It appears that the little victim who would be about six years old, was at school on the date of the fatality.  Shortly after returning home he was on the bank of the river, which just passes his father’s premises on the Donegal side, when he was seen to drop in by some people.  At this place the current on approaching the falls becomes particularly strong, and to the horror of the onlookers he was swept away before anything could be done to save him.  Widespread sympathy is felt for the parents.


Fermanagh Times May 6th, 1915.  GUINNESS’S POSITION.  A good idea of the way in which the taxes affect the liquor industry is afforded in the case of Messrs. Guinness and Co., the whole of whose output comes under the surtax of 36 shillings per barrel.  In 1914 Messrs. McGuinness paid in duty £1,400,000.  In 1915 if the output of the brewery remains the same and the existing taxation remains in force the duty payable would be three times greater or £4,200,000.


Impartial Reporter. May 6 1915.  THE DUTY ON WHISKY IS DOUBLED IN THE CHANCELLOR’S PROPOSALS, AND QUADRUPLED ON ORDINARY WINES.  PUBLIC HOUSES ARE TO BE CONTROLLED IN WAR AREAS.  POINTS OF THE SPEECH.  We must strain every possible nerve to increase our present output of ammunition.  Lost time becomes more frequent with increases of pay.  There is excessive drinking among a section of workmen who receiving very high wages.  The loss of time is not so great in the armament works as in the shipyards.  There has been no perceptible improvement during the last few weeks.  Men drink heavily stupefying beer and raw spirits.  The congestion of transport at the docks is due to the fact that men can earn enough in three days to keep them in drink for a week.  One of the reports referred to slacking on the Clyde on Mondays, and the investigator attributed this to the pernicious habit in Scotland of taking home bottles of whisky on Saturday night to drink on Sunday.  Another cause suggested was the absence of provision around the yards for food for the workers.  If the men got food with alcohol less harm would be done.


Impartial Reporter. May 6 1915.  FLEET IMPERILLED BY THE DRINK.  ADMIRAL JELLICOE SPEAKS OUT.  I am very uneasy about the labour situation on the Clyde and Tyne. You may think and I am exceeding my sphere of action in doing so, but the efficiency of this Fleet is so affected by it that I felt it my duty to wire.  Today an officer in a responsible position arrived.  His account of things on the Clyde was most disquieting.  He said that the men refused altogether to work on Saturday afternoon; that they took Wednesday afternoon off every week if not the whole of Wednesday – and worked on Sunday because they got double pay for it.  He also said that they only worked in a half-hearted manner.  My destroyer dockings and refits are delayed in every case by these labour difficulties, and they take twice as long as they need to do.  I feel that you ought to know the facts and so put them before you now.


Fermanagh Herald May 8th. 1915.  JOTTINGS.  A son of Mr. Henry K. Leslie, Rockcarrow, Co., Monaghan, agent for Lord Enniskillen has been killed in action at the Dardanelles.  Mr. Stanis Irwin, brother of Major Irwin, Killadeas, has also fallen.

Amongst the officer is killed at the Dardanelles will be found the name of Major Edward Featherstonehaugh, of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.  He was a brother of Mr. Godfrey Featherstonehaugh, MP for North Fermanagh, and a distinguished graduate of Dublin University.  Major Featherstonehaugh had been all through the South African war, and had been mentioned in dispatches on many occasions for his distinguished bravery in the field.

A farmer named James Callan, Carrickmacross, was found drowned in the river at Derryalone, on Sunday evening.  Deceased, who was 67 years of age, was well known in Monaghan and adjoining counties in the cattle trade, and very regrettably to relate the deceased son was accidentally killed by falling out of a cart in Carrickmacross street a short time ago.

At the monthly meeting of the directors of the Monaghan Gas Company –Mr. Harry Roger’s, JP presiding – it was decided in view of the contract prices for coal being about double those of former years, to increase the price of gas by 5d per 1000 cubic feet.

The Tempo sports and horse races will be held on Thursday, the 13th of May.  An excellent programme has been arranged and good sport should be witnessed.  The proceeds will be devoted to the Tempo Temperance Brass Band.


Fermanagh Herald May 8th. 1915.  LLOYD GEORGE’S SURTAX, INTRODUCED FOR THE OSTENSIBLE PURPOSE OF COMBATING THE DRINK EVIL, which, it is alleged, is adversely affecting the output of the essentials of war, but which in reality will sound of the death knell of important Irish Industries, was heard of with bewilderment in Enniskillen.  Several of the most prominent citizens of the town, interviewed, give it as their opinion that the Chancellor’s  proposition would never be enforced, owing to the hostility of the Irish Party who would never consent to the imposition of such taxes.  A large shareholder in Guinness has stated that the new taxes (if insisted upon,) would mean ruin to the thousands of middle-class people, who by their thrift, had saved a few hundred pounds for the evening of their lives, and had invested their earnings in some brewery or distillery.  The Chancellor’s remedy proposes a double duty on spirits which means 14 shillings and nine pence a gallon extra, quadruple duty on wines, sextuple duty on sparkling wines, and a graduated tax on beer according to specific gravity rising to 36 shillings per barrel on heavy beer.


Fermanagh Herald May 8th. 1915.  A REGIMENT OF DONKEYS PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE ALLIED TROOPS.  The special correspondent of the Daily News, Mr. Hugh Martin writes that he learned from an official source that the landing of troops at the Dardanelles had been successfully accomplished.  Landings had been effected in at least four places – one on the Asiatic side and three on the European side.

According to a story which I have every reason to believe one of these landings was made as the result of a clever and the comic ruse.  Covered by vigorous fire from our ships, nearly 1,000 donkeys with dummy baggage and mountain guns were put ashore at a certain spot.  The Germans and Turks at once diverted a strong force in this direction.  Meanwhile, the real landing force easily accomplished its purpose some distance up the coast.  The regiment of donkeys, which were decrepit animals purchased in the islands for a mere song, were annihilated. Among the prisoners are not a few Turks with revolver bullet wounds inflicted by German officers in driving them on to the attack or in desperate endeavour to prevent a retreat.


Fermanagh Herald May 8th. 1915.  A BOY DROWNED NEAR BELLEEK.  On Friday afternoon at Clyhore, convenient to Belleek, a distressing occurrence took place, as result of which a little boy belonging to Mr. Robert J. Donaldson, general merchant, fell into the River Erne and was carried away and drowned.  From particulars to hand it appears that the little victim, who would be about five or six years old, was at school on the date of the fatality.  Shortly after returning home he was on the bank of the river, which just passes his father’s premises on the Donegal side, when he was seen to drop in by some people.  At this place the current on approaching the falls becomes particularly strong, and to the horror of the onlookers he was swept away before anything could be done to save him.  At the time of writing the body has not been found.  Widespread sympathy is felt for the boy’s parents.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  BELLEEK.  THE SAD DROWNING CASE.  In connection with the melancholy drowning of the young son, Bertram, aged four years, of Mr and Mrs J.  Donaldson, of Belleek reported in our last issue a correspondent writes: – The child had returned from school, and had his dinner, went out to play, and in a very short time met his death by accidentally falling into the river Erne at his own home. He was carried down the stream through the salmon ladder into the main river.  Mrs. McBride saw him falling in.  She was some distance from the shore on the opposite side; she raise the alarm, called her husband who ran to the river, and was within an arm’s length of him as he passed over the first fall of the ladder but to his sorrow was not near enough to lay hold of him.  Very soon, in answer to the alarm, many people were at the river.  Sergeant Ballentine waded out to the centre of the river where the ford is below the bridge to save him, but he sank before he came that far.  He and some of the Constables with many others deserve much praise for their endeavours to find the body.  Although two boats in a very short time were carried to points where it was considered likely the body might be found and grapples and poles with books were used from Friday evening until Sunday evening; the body was not found until 2.39 p.m. on Sunday, when Mr. John Slevin and Mr. Edward Keenaghan succeeded in bringing the body to the surface at a place near 25 feet deep and which had been searched and re-searched from the time of the accident.  It was a great satisfaction to the parents that no marks of violence were found on the body.  He appeared as if asleep.

The boy was a favourite with all who knew him being of a winsome and gaining disposition.  On Monday the 3rd inst. he was laid to rest in God’s acre.  The Rev. F.  J.  Johnston who officiated, give a touching address to an audience young and old and committed his body to its last resting place.  The very representative and respectable funeral testified to the sincerity of the sympathy extended to the sorrowing family in their great grief.  The remains were carried from the home to the grave by Messrs. A. L. Roddy (his Sunday School) teacher, Thomas J. Johnston, Robert L. Montgomery and George Cassidy, members of the Belleek Methodist Sunday School of which deceased was a member assisted by others.  The Sunday School children walked in procession after the remains, the girls dressed in white and black.  At the grave the children sang the hymn – “When He cometh, when He cometh to make up his jewels, all His jewels, precious jewels.”  The chief mourners were – Mr. R.W. Donaldson, (father) the Misses Violet and Edie Donaldson (sisters), Jack Donaldson (brother), Mr. W Hood, (grandfather), Mr. A. W. Donaldson and Mr. R. H. Hood (uncles).  Wreathes were from Father and Mother, Miss Knox, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Beacom, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. McBride, Miss McCabe, Miss Quinn and Mrs. Slater; also a basket of flowers from Mrs. Naylor, the Glebe.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.



Bob Hunt was not a martial man,

For peace at home he’d plot and plan,

And yet his better half, they say,

Would trounce him with her tongue all day.

She nagged him ninety to the minute,

And Mrs Caudle wasn’t in it.


No pleasure pleased the lady long,

Each single thing he did was wrong;

And, as a schoolboy dreads the cane

So Roberta feared a jaw from Jane;

And never went recruit more willing

To shoulder arms and take the Shilling.


Today, serene and cheerful, Hunt

Enjoys a rest cure at the front.

Where Maxims bark and shrapnel screams

His round, unruffled visage beams,

Through crash and clatter, thud and din,

He observes “This ain’t a patch on Jinny!

Jessie Pope



(Ed. Douglas William Jerrold (London 3 January 1803 – 8 June 1857 London) was an English dramatist and writer. Jerrold wrote for numerous periodicals, and gradually became a contributor to the Monthly Magazine, Blackwood’s, the New Monthly, and the Athenaeum. To Punch, the publication which of all others is associated with his name, he contributed from its second number in 1841 until within a few days of his death. Punch was a humorous and liberal publication. Punch was also the forum in which he published in the 1840s his comic series Mrs Caudle’s Curtain Lectures, which was later published in book form.

He contributed many articles for Punch under different pseudonyms. On 13 July 1850 he wrote as ‘Mrs Amelia Mouser’ about the forthcoming Great Exhibition of 1851, coining the phrase the palace of very crystal. From that day forward, the Crystal Palace, at that time still a proposal from his friend Joseph Paxton, gained the name from which it would henceforth be known.)


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  ROMANTIC FERMANAGH MARRIAGE.  ENNISKILLEN PROMINENT IN LOVE AND THE NOVEL.  HYMNS AMID ARCTIC ICE.  From the Toronto World a story of the most romantic lies behind the wedding of Miss Gail Porter, of Enniskillen, which interesting event is fixed for the 21st of June next at Fort Yukon, just north of the Arctic Circle.  How she came to make acquainted with Mr. Jack Carruthers, her husband to be, reads more like fiction than fact, and surely the crowning feature of the romance is that she is travelling approximately 9,000 miles over seas, land and snow-capped mountain passes, accepting with a smile the dangers of the Yukon rapids, to say nothing of mine and submarine infested waters, in order that she may be married in the  country where her lover had struggled against adversity and bitter disappointment before he struck the vein of gold which had long eluded him but in the end rewarded his perseverance with wealth sufficient to make him independent.


Carrothers, who is also a native of Enniskillen, left the thriving island town when little more than a boy to seek adventures in the land of the Maple Leaf, and incidentally to grasp what fruits Dame Fortune had to offer.  He was caught up in the famous gold rush of ‘98 and, with thousands of others, made the tedious journey over the snow blocked Chilcoot Pass, he and his companions all intent on getting a soon as possible to the scene of the harvest.


Success did not crown Carruthers’ early efforts to strike gold in paying quantities.  However, he did not become disheartened because the goddess of luck failed to select him for elevation to sudden riches, but persevering in his never ending search for gold his search took him all over the Yukon country, and when he finally struck ore in quantity Carrothers was content even though many others had made far richer discoveries.  His search of years rewarded, the spell which the rugged Yukon country had woven around him, claiming him for her own, was broken.  He longed for the outside, and came out when able to dispose of his holdings to advantage.


Last year he went to Europe and visited his old home in Enniskillen.  Later on he drifted over the Continent, and just for the sake of comparison was one of the excursion party to North Cape in Norway, to witness the midnight sun rise there.  On board the ship he became acquainted with Miss Porter, who became deeply interested in the narratives of his experiences in the Yukon country.  The acquaintance begun so casually quickly ripened into a strong friendship and great was Carruthers’ astonishment to learn when it came time to say goodbye that she was from Enniskillen, his old home.  Without mentioning that he had already been back on a visit, he announced his intention of going there direct, as it chanced to be his birthplace.  Carrothers’ visit was prolonged until he had won the heart and hand of Miss Porter and her promise to wed him in the following year.

While planning their forthcoming wedding Miss Porter, half jestingly, expressed the wish that they might be married at Cape North in Norway, in the field of daisies, buttercups and yellow violets, which annually grow in the lee of the monument of King Oscar standing on the summit, while the Midnight Sun shone, clearly disapproving that romance has long since gone to seed.


This met with the instant approval of Carruthers, and it was agreed that they should be married there this year.  Then along came the European upheaval and the failure of a speedy termination of the war to loom in sight caused Carruthers’, who had returned to his home and business interests on this side of the Atlantic, many a sleepless night until he hit upon the plan of having his fiancée come to Canada and journey north inside the Arctic Circle to Fort Yukon that they might still be married in the land of the Midnight Sun.


When he broached the subject by letter he feared that she would be a little diffident at the 9,000 mile trip which would be necessary for her to make, and he was overjoyed one morning to receive a one word cable “Yes” from her.  All arrangements for the wedding at Fort Yukon were completed and Miss Porter who is accompanied by her mother, will arrive in Victoria, B. C., about June the first and the party will set sail for Skaguay on either the 12th or the 14th of the month.  From that point they will travel by rail over the White Pass and Yukon route to Whitehorse. On our honeymoon trip we intend to visit all the famous old gold camps –Nome, Fairbanks, Dawson City, and others.  My wife is bound to be agreeably surprised to learn that, despite her fears to the contrary, Yukon and Alaska are not lands of ice and snow the year round, that they have a delightful summer climate, and so far from being barren they are lands of flowers. It is interesting to note that Mr. Carruthers’ has made arrangements for a cinematograph operator being present during the journey into the wilds, and also at the unique ceremony.  In this way a lasting record will be made of what should certainly prove an adequate climax to a love story so full of romance.



Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  ITALY’S 2,000,000 MEN PERFECTLY EQUIPPED AND READY.  In view of the indications that Italy may decide shortly to enter the war special interest attaches to the strength of her armaments.  During the past six months a sum of £44,000,000 has been spent by her on special preparations.  The weakness in stores, munitions, uniforms, and equipment, of which are staff complained last year has now been removed.  Her land forces are admirably supplied with all requirements, and have at last obtained a full equipment of artillery.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  THE EFFECT OF DRINK ON MUNITIONS.  At Birmingham two men were summoned for neglecting work through drink. Thomas Walker was ordered to pay £7 and costs and William Brown £3 and costs.  They were engaged on urgent Government work, but one absented himself for three days and the other for 2.  Walker was found in a public house by the police but he refused to leave.  It was explained that in consequence of the defendants absenting themselves there had been a loss of five tonnes in the production of munitions.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  RUSSIA AND AT THE DARDANELLES.  A writer in the World says that although Mr. Churchill initiated the idea of forcing the Dardanelles as far as this country was concerned, the scheme was primarily of Russian inception, and our Eastern ally lays the utmost stress on its importance both from the view of subduing the Turkish Army, which has been giving the Russians a certain amount of trouble, of influencing Mohammedan opinion all over the world, and of affording the most convenient passage for supplies to Russia.  It is said that Russia practically insisted on our cooperation, and that the French authorities also heartily concurred in the scheme.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  THE SINKING OF THE LUSITANIA.  The news of this dastardly outrage has been received with loathing and execration by civilised men.  In Holland, in Italy, in Norway there is outspoken condemnation of its cowardly authors.  In the United States intense indignation has been caused by this barbarous murder of American citizens.  The whole German nation, men and women, have shown that they approve of the deed.  In the United States the German–Americans have not been ashamed to hold a “joy day”.  There had been discussion on board as to whether the Germans would attempt to make good their threats and advertisements in the American newspapers, in which they declared their determination to destroy the fastest liner on the Atlantic.  The belief was that if they tried they would fail owing to the magnificent pace of the big ship. Perfect confidence prevailed on board.  The portholes were open.  The speed was not high and it is variously estimated at between 16 and 19 knots, whereas the Lusitania at a pinch could be driven at 26 or 26 ½ knots.  Everything went well until the second lunch was being served about 2.00.  The band was playing “Tipperary” and had played it so well that the tune had been encored.  These were the last strains of music that more than one thousand heard.

Women, with their children, clung to the rails of the ship as it began manifestly to sink.  The end came not later than 2.26.  This point is fixed by the fact that the watches of those in the water stopped at that time.  The vessel was now inclined steeply to starboard.  Gradually the bows sank and the stern rose and stood right out of the water.  Many people leapt from the stern rail to which they were clinging and dropped 70 feet down towards the screws.  One of the most appalling sights was the fall of the gigantic funnels which broke off with tremendous crash as the ship went down and killed several people on whom they fell.  A strange story is told by at least two distinct survivors.  When the end came they were borne by a swirl of water into one of these huge funnels and carried some way down it, where their mouth’s filled with cinders and shoot.  Then came a violent rush in the opposite direction.  One woman was shot out of the funnel into a boat; one man was shot out of it into the water and managed to reach some wreckage.  From all the waters rose at once a loud, long wail of the drowning children, and then slowly died away.  Those in the water whose vitality was strong enough found their life belts admirable.  These saved hundreds of lives.  People wearing them floated for two or three hours and not a few were picked up unconscious but yet floating and were revived by the men in the fleet of steam tugs and trawlers which hurried to the spot.  Every available boat had put out from Queenstown, Kinsale, other harbours along the coast but was an hour before the first of them could reach the scene.  The scenes when the survivors landed at Queenstown in the dusk were heartrending.  The great majority of the survivors travelled on to London.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  THE OPINION OF NEWSPAPERS.  “Modern history affords no such example of a great nation running amok and calling it a military necessity.” –New York World.

“In defiance not alone of every principle of international law but also of every dictate of humanity, men, women and children have been exposed to death.  For this murder are there is no justification”.  – New York Tribune.

“The civilised world stands aghast.  If ever wholesale murder was premeditated, this slaughter on the high seas was.”  – New York Herald.

“The sinking of the Lusitania, with its heavy freightage of peaceful passengers was not an act of war.  It was a deed of wholesale murder.”  – The American.

France “No one could have believed that Germany would push or infamy so far.”  – Figaro.

Italy “There is a limit dividing the soldier and a scoundrel.  Germany crossed it yesterday.  –Idea Nazionale.

Holland.  “It is devilish.  This places Germany for always outside the zone of civilisation.  –Amsterdam Telegraph.


(Ed. From the BBC. “The Lusitania controversy. Some 124 American citizens were killed when the ship sank after being hit by a single torpedo as it neared the end of its journey from New York to Liverpool. The death toll helped convince many in the United States that their country should intervene in the war on the side of Britain and France. The debate over cargo has remained controversial. Germany insisted the ship was carrying war materials and could therefore be seen as a legitimate target. That claim was denied by Britain, which said there was no record of explosives in the cargo. But the rumours have persisted.”)


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  RECENT NEWS. Mr. Thomas Evans, Imperial Hotel, Ballyshannon, has been granted a commission in the York and Lancaster Regiment.  Mr. Evans has spent 30 years with the colours, to which he now returns.  For 20 of these he was sergeant-major of the old Donegal Militia, with headquarters at Lifford.

The number of the emigrants who left Ireland last month was 824, compared with 5144 in the month of April 1914.  During the first four months of the present year emigrants numbered 1000 913 and in the same period last year the total number was 8801, were 5888 more than the present year.  We regret to learn that Mr. Winters, lately the popular manager of the Great Northern Hotel, Bundoran is amongst those who have lost their lives by the sinking of the Lusitania.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  CAPTAIN F. K. LESLIE KILLED.  The news that Captain Frank K. Leslie has been killed in action was received with profound sorrow all over his native county of Monaghan and also in Fermanagh.  The late captain was only 28 years of age, and after being educated at Harrow and Sandhurst he joined the he Royal Fusiliers some nine or 10 years ago.  He spent the greater part of his military life in India.  It was from there he came to his regiment about two months ago, and being stationed for a few weeks in England he paid a short visit home before proceeding to the front.  Up to the time of writing the exact engagement in which the deceased officer lost his life has not been made known, but the probabilities are that it was in the course of operations at the Dardanelles.  He made many friends in Enniskillen by reason of the fact that on several occasions he visited Mr. J.J. Lunham for shooting outings during the season here as well as in Monaghan.  The greatest sympathy is felt with the bereaved parents at the loss they have sustained by the untimely death of their only son.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  TOUCHING SCENES HAVE OCCURRED MORE than once in the process of identification of the dead brought to Queenstown.  A lady, looking among the corpses at the morgue had almost given up the questing of her daughter.  The very last person she glanced at happened to be the daughter that she was seeking.  With hysterical screams she flung herself upon the lifeless body, and it was with difficulty that she was lifted up and removed outside in a state of collapse.


Fermanagh Times May 13th, 1915.  THE WAR ON THE WESTERN FRONT IS A WAR OF SHELLS and numbers, and shells and numbers will win.  The Germans do not believe it, but everyone knows that our islands are full of splendid men, some ready to go, others nearly prepared.  The eventual result says the Daily Mail if our government looks far enough ahead and puts into operation compulsory service, it is a certainty.  But for the moment Germany’s star is in the ascendant and every man and woman among us should realise the fact and in the realization resolve to bend every effort to vanquish the monster which has been preparing to destroyers us for well-nigh half a century.


Impartial Reporter. May 13 1915.  EFFECTS OF THE GAS.  A BRITISH OFFICERS DESCRIPTION.  “Of all the devilish crimes of which the Germans have been guilty since the war started this one is far away the most devilish and to try to excuse it on the grounds that it inflicts a quick and painful death, far different from the tornado of shells we let loose at Neuve Chapelle, is blatant lying. We have a lot of men who have been gassed in our hospitals.  Their moans are awful and they sit up swaying about fighting and gasping for breath.  Their faces and bodies are a muddy purple black, their eyes glazed and foam comes from their mouths.  Their lungs are turned to liquid, and the doctors say they have the appearance of men for the point of death from drowning.  Nurses and doctors fight night and day to give relief.  The way the damnable stuff is worked apparently is by burying in their trenches cylinders of something containing the gas.  From the cylinder a tube runs up to and through the face of the trench with a nozzle at the end, and when the wind is favourable for the purpose the gases is pumped out and driven over to our lines.  Will this convince people at home of what Germans are capable?  If one could only exterminator the whole breed the world would be all the better for it.


Impartial Reporter. May 13 1915.  A DESPATCH FROM THE DARDANELLES.  LANDING OF TROOPS.  By the evening of 26 April, after two days desperate fighting against the enemy forces occupying positions which, in addition to great natural strength, had been carefully prepared beforehand to resist attack, our troops succeeded in establishing themselves firmly on the south eastern end of the Gallipoli Peninsula.  The landing began at dawn on Sunday morning.  The landing force consisted of the Australian and New Zealand contingents.  The operations were divided into two phases –the landing of a covering force, timed to begin at 5.30, and the main landing to begin immediately the coverers were ashore.  The whole operations comprised six landings on the Gallipoli Peninsula, and a seventh by the French on the Asiatic side.  In most cases moreover, foreseeing the possibility that the beaches would be used as landing places, the Turks had protected them with barbed wire, of which they were absolutely prodigal, hidden machine guns, and a strong force of infantry in entrenchments, supported by a formidable number of batteries of 6 inch howitzers and smaller guns

A bombardment by the warships, beginning a few minutes after 5.00 preceded the landing.  Several battleships were pounding a terrific fire into the shore and especially on the fort and town of Sedd-el-Bahr.  The air was shaken with the roar of guns.  On the right three French battleships, with a great transport behind, were similarly hammering at the Asiatic shore. The landing at De Tots Battery was affected with commendable smartness, and comparatively few casualties.  Most of the boats reach the shore soon after 7.00.


Impartial Reporter. May 13 1915.  Rhymes from the front by two Maguiresbridge lads.  Privates A. McFarland and G. Traynor, with the help of Lance Corporal Dempsey, of Belfast claim to have composed the following lines.


This is from our Irish lads, fighting out in France.

Sitting in the trenches, waiting for their chance;

So here he is athinking his thoughts are far away,

With the beloved sweetheart he hopes to see somebody.


By my side poor Jack lies moaning,

He was hit right through the head,

When I looked into his pale face

I knew not he was dead.


‘Cheer up old Jack’, I murmured:

We’ll soon have you all right:

But he heeded not our speaking,

We buried him that night.


When will the war be over?

To you I cannot say,

But to gain a crowning victory

More men must come this way.


So leave the hunker-sliders

And show our Irish blood,

And fight for King and country

For now your help we need.


Come over now and help us,

And when you are old and grey,

You’ll speak of Tommy’s message,

And how you joined the fray.


Remember all our Irish lads,

That Britain rules the waves,

And if you don’t cross to us

Ye may be German slaves.


Impartial Reporter. May 13 1915.  THE SALUTE.  CAPTAIN JOHN O’DONEL, D.L.  was quite angry with several of the young men at the recruiting meeting at Manorhamilton on Saturday for not saluting the Sovereign and our country of which His Majesty is the head, by uncovering at the playing of the National Anthem.  Our impression is that they were not as culpable as might be supposed –that they were never taught to remove their hats, and by their salute pay tribute to our national greatness and our King.  They have been taught to uncover at religious exercises, but not at this duty, next in order; and the sooner they are taught the better.  Our schools are greatly at fault in this regard.  Our National Schools should all inculcate loyalty and the outward courtesies and duties due to the symbols of our National Life; and there is room for education in County Leitrim.  Every child should be taught to salute the flag.  The first lesson was administered pretty forcibly by Captain O’Donel on Saturday, and we hope it will be remembered.


Impartial Reporter. May 13 1915.  THE LATE COLONEL A.  F. F.  BLOOMFIELD, CASTLE CALDWELL.  A soldier whose lot did not throw him into the famous events of his time, but who did good service in those less known but all important events by which the peace of the Empire is maintained, has recently passed away in the late Colonel Alleyne Fitzherbert Fenton Bloomfield.  He entered the army in the early fifties of the last century and first saw service in the second Burmese War, when he accompanied the Karteban Column to Tonghoo, and was present at the attack and capture of Congab.  For these services he received the medal.  And during the Mutiny he served with the Colcondah Sebundies, in command of a detachment, and assistant to suppress the disturbances in the Codavery District.  While many others were winning their spurs at Delhi and Lucknow this unrecorded service fell to his share, but had it not been for men of his stamp who handled a difficult situation with tact and judgment the British Empire of India might have been much more desperately imperilled than it was.  For his services he received the thanks of the Madras Government, as he did later when still in command of a detachment of the Colcondah Sebundies he suppressed the disturbances in that Zemindary in 1858.

Colonel Bloomfield commanded the Civil Force sent to quell disturbances in the Rumpah country in 1862 and, being slightly wounded, for the third time receive the thanks of the Madras Government.  Later he held civil appointments.  He became Lieutenant-Colonel in 1876, and Colonel two years later.  He was one of those servants of the Indian empire of whom the word hears but little, but upon whom the whole of that magnificent Empire really rests.  Colonel Bloomfield was the youngest son of the late Major John, Colpoys Bloomfield of Castle Caldwell, County Fermanagh, and was born on the 18th of June 1832 and died on the 21st of April, 1915 at 31, Walpole Street, London.


Fermanagh Herald May 15th. 1915.  THE LUSITANIA IS TORPEDOED BY A GERMAN SUBMARINE AND THE GREAT A VESSEL SINKS IN LESS THAN 20 MINUTES.  THERE WERE 1,908 ON BOARD AND NEARLY 1,150 VICTIMS.  The magnificent Cunard liner the Lusitania was torpedoed about 2.30 on Friday afternoon off the Old Head of Kinsale by a German submarine and sank in about 20 minutes.  The weather was fine, but she took a heavy list soon after being struck, and those who went to the port side were at a disadvantage.  Their Saloon Passengers were at lunch and lost more in proportion.  They included Mr. Vanderbilt, the millionaire; Mr. Hugh Lane, the famous Dublin Art expert; Mr. Charles Froham, the Theatrical Manager; and many other prominent people. As soon as the news came to Queenstown vessel set out for the scene of the disaster and they landed survivors at that port last night. Reports show that 764 persons were saved.  The German Press partly exults in the crime and partly excuses it on the grounds that the Lusitania was armed, but this is denied by the Admiralty and the Cunard Company.  Interest will now centre on the attitude of the United States.

A reward of $5000 has been offered for the recovery of Mr. A. Vanderbilt’s body.  Enquiries have been made from London at Queenstown tonight relative to the Rev. Father Basil Maturin, S J, the celebrated preacher.  Until then nothing seemed to be known of Father Maturin being a passenger on the Lusitania.  The enquiries, however, were definite and it is feared that Fr. Maturin has been amongst the victims.


Fermanagh Herald May 15th. 1915.  SHELLS AS THICK AS HAIL.  A DULLAGHAN MAN’S EXPERIENCE.  In a letter to a friend, Patrick O’Brian who is a native of Dullaghan, Dromore, Co., Tyrone and who is at present serving with the 2nd Middlesex Regiment at the front says that he enjoyed the quantity of cigarettes and tobacco which he had received.  They were a treat as it was very hard to get either cigarettes or tobacco out there.  Describing his experiences, he says that the worst he ever had was at the battle of Neuve Chapelle, and he would never forget the morning of the battle as long as he lived.  It could be imagined that it must have been pretty bad when a chum healing from the slums of London asked him if he thought it was the end of the world.  The shells were flying around as thick as a shower of hail.


Fermanagh Herald May 15th. 1915.  MAJOR G.  C.  BROOKE KILLED.  News has been received that Major George Cecil Brooke, 1st Battalion Border Regiment has been killed in action, having been shot in the Dardanelles on the 30th ult.  Deceased was the only son of the late Brigadier –General H.  E.  Brooke, of Ashbrook, Brookeborough, Fermanagh, and of Mrs. Brooke, now of Hampton Court Palace, and grandson of the late Major-General W R Christopher.  His father, who was also killed in action, using his life during a sortie from Kandahar in 1880, was grandson of Sir Henry Brooke, first baronet, of Colebrooke, Fermanagh and 11th Earl of Huntingdon.  Major Brooke, who was 43 years of age was educated at Wellington, received was commissioned in 1890, was promoted major in 1911 and he had twice seen service in India.


Fermanagh Herald May 15th. 1915.  INNISKILLING OFFICERS’ LOSSES.  CASUALTIES IN THE DARDANELLES.  Thursday nights a list of casualties sustained by the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in the Dardanelles contained the names of seven officers of the 1st Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, who have been wounded, in addition to that of Lieutenant W. M. M. Gilliland, who, as already reported, has been killed. The officers in this morning’s casualty list are: – Captain M. F. Hammond –Smith, Captain W. Pike, Captain C. Ridings, Lieutenant R. B. Shulrich, Lieutenant M. J. F. O’Reilly, Lieutenant E. W. H. Raymoud, and Second –Lieutenant C. H. Godsland.


Fermanagh Herald May 15th. 1915.  A VERDICT FOR THE DEFENDANT WAS RETURNED AT CLONES HORSE CASE.  It was the result of the suit of Mr. B. Levinson, horse dealer, Clones, against Colonel Ferrer, Inspector of Remounts, for damages laid at £5,000 for alleged slander, the words complained of having reference to the purchase of horses during mobilisation week.

The action said Mr. Powell K.C. for the defendant, was an indictment of the War Office by a disappointed man who posed as a horse dealer who had failed to force himself forward as a Government dealer in army remounts.  It was a crafty impudent action.  Counsel said that in everything said or done by Coronal Ferrer he acted as a gentleman, and the jury could not find that the words he used were spoken with malice against one whom he regarded with contempt.  Levinson was but a horse dealer in name, for the truth was that he could not tell the difference between an artillery horse and a zebra. (laughter).  But he was active in the plot to make a “corner” in army remounts.  It was well for him that he was dealing with chivalrous people who controlled the War Office, and not with his former clients, the Germans, who, in like circumstances, would probably hang him from the nearest lamppost.

Bunting, “a disgruntled horse dealer,” said council tried to bolster up this nefarious business, and they found Levinson buying up Caldwell, his partner, as part of the stock-in-trade, with a view to becoming an agent for the purchase of army horses, and to make exorbitant profits.  Colonel Ferrer, in what he did, was but doing his duty.  The jury would not assist the Russian Pole in accomplishing the purposes of his unholy creed.

Mr. Horner, KC, M.P. for the plaintiff said that it was unworthy to scoff at his German-born client, who had served in the Russian army and who had presented a hospital with 20 beds for British wounded soldiers, with two doctors, medicines, and nurses, and 40 acres of land.  The purpose of those opposing his client was to confine of the purchase of remounts to “three pet dealers” at war rates and give no others a look in.  Defendant’s purpose, apparently, was to enrich his three pals – the horse triumvirate – at the expense of others.


Fermanagh Times May 20th, 1915.  WAR NOTES AND INCIDENTS.  *At present, by not organising or taking forethought and by trusting to bad news to stimulate recruiting, the authorities are draining some of the best men from the ammunition factories, are filling the ranks with an undue proportion of married men, and are passing over hundreds of thousands of young “possibles” who declare they will not go on till they are “fetched”.  Such a model would be impossible in a nation really aroused and resolutely bent on welding utmost power into a single thunderbolt.

*Think of it – think of bombarding a city at a range of 23 miles and every shot a hit.  That’s what the Germans did at Dunkirk.

*A system of fines has been inaugurated by the Clyde trade unions whose members are engaged upon munition work.  Fines varying from £1 to £3 will be levied upon men who do not work full hours, and repetitions of the offence will be followed by still sterner action.  The unions are determined to weed out slackers, shirkers, and drinkers.

*Mr. G. N. Barnes, the well-known Labour M.P. and. Mr. W.H. Beveridge, the director and C. F. Rey, general manager of the Labour Exchanges Department in London, have left for Canada to engage suitable men for employment in this country in the production of munitions of war.

*During the six months I have been here I have seen many thousands of wounded, but never have I seen a more hideous sight than the sufferings of the Canadians who were “gassed” at Ypres.  To see all those brave fellows lying gasping in the sunshine outside the hospital, struggling with heaving chest to get their breath, was a heartrending spectacle and which aroused feelings of the deepest resentment against those responsible for such an outrage.  In these words did a medical officer of a casualty clearing station express his opinion of the latest method of warfare adapted adopted by the Germans.

*It is believed we are doing better in the way of munitions, and perhaps in enlistments, but with so much striking here and there, so much carping and cavilling; the Government even yet seems not quite the masters of the situation.  We can offer no opinion as to the truth or otherwise of Coronal Reppington’s complaint of the lack of ammunition at Ypres, but from what has happened its truth is too probable.

*Intense public indignation and discussed prevail over the strike of tramway men in the employment of the London County Council.  It is felt that, however serious the grievances, this interference in present circumstances with the carrying on of work in the metropolis is grossly unpatriotic and an encouragement to the enemy, who has openly proclaimed his belief that British labour would prove treacherous to British interests.

*If the rush of events did not cause people to forget so quickly they would remember Admiral Sir Percy Scot’s remarkable warnings about submarines, which were treated by the usual “experts” with the same contempt that our politicians expressed for Lord Robert’s urgent appeals.

*Why not mobilize the single young men of the country and thus stop the expense of the enlistment of married men when the young shirkers can be seen swaggering about our great cities any Sunday in their hundreds of thousands.


Fermanagh Times May 20th, 1915.  THE RESUMED INQUEST.  The inquest was resumed at Queenstown on Saturday on the victims of the Lusitania tragedy, the jury being sworn in respect of the death of Mrs. F.  King, Illinois.  District Inspector Armstrong deposed that 220 bodies had been brought into Queenstown, that 1,145 fire lives had been lost, and 773 saved.  The majority of the passengers were British subjects.  Coroner Rice said there was not in the whole history of warfare so appalling an instance of the effects of launching an attack without warning upon an unarmed ship which carried no contraband of war.  It was an atrocious, nefarious, and diabolical outrage, an insult alike to religion and humanity.  The jury found that Mrs. King was wilfully and unlawfully drowned by the crew of a German submarine, conveyed the deepest sympathy with the relatives and fellow countryman of the victims of this most atrocious murder, and professed abhorrence of the cowardly, unnatural, and unchristian conduct of the perpetrators of the abominable attack on non-combatants, men, women and children.


Fermanagh Times May 20th, 1915.  THE COMMANDER OF THE 1ST INNISKILLINGS KILLED.  In the casualty list is the name of Lieutenant-Colonel F.G. Jones, commanding the 1st Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers who has died of wounds received in the Dardanelles, where the 1st Battalion of the Inniskillings form part of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.  Lieutenant-Colonel Francis George Jones had a long and distinguished military career.  The deceased officer served in the South African war, and acted as adjutant of the 1st Battalion of the Inniskillings from the 16th of December, 1899 to the 24th of February, 1900.  He took part in the relief of Ladysmith, including the action of Colenso, and was also present at the actions of Spion Kop, Vaal Kranz, and Tugela Heights.


Fermanagh Times May 20th, 1915.  DEATH OF A FERMANAGH MAN IN CANADA.  The mail to hand from Canada brings the sad news of the death of Mr. William Hunter, son of the late Mr. Robert Hunter, of Tempo, at the comparatively early age of 55.  A Winnipeg correspondent writes: – An old Fermanagh man has just passed away here in the person of Mr. William Hunter, born in Tempo, Co., Fermanagh, the son of the founder of the well-known firm of Provision Merchants, F. Hunter & Co., of Enniskillen and Manchester, England.  Mr. Hunter arrived in Winnipeg seven years ago, being subsequently joined by his wife and son.  During their residence in Winnipeg Mr. and Mrs. Hunter made many new friendships of long standing with those of their own country, who are also pioneers in this important outpost of the British Empire.  Before coming to Canada Mr. Hunter had been for some years in Australia and also in South Africa where he was engaged in various activities and in the latter country was a member of the South African Field Force, and was in charge of the Search Light Apparatus at the De Beers Consolidated Mines during the memorable siege of Kimberley.


Fermanagh Times May 20th, 1915.  ANOTHER WINTER CAMPAIGN.  MORE HIGH EXPLOSIVE WANTED.  THE FRENCH SUCCESSES COMPARED WITH THE BRITISH.  Judging by a statement made by the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian the British War Office are under the impression that the war is not likely to be over before the autumn, and that another winter campaign must be forced.  The military authorities have, he says, made up their minds to another winter campaign and the public must make up their minds to it too.  To shorten the duration of the war the troops require more high explosives, more howitzers and more men.  So writes the Times military correspondent in France.  He shows that the want of high explosives especially is a fatal bar to their success.  After such statements any men in England who, in the main munition areas, refuse to respond to the demands made upon them are acting criminally.  Because the French have sufficient high explosives they are able to level the parapets of the enemy to the ground and to penetrate with great effect into their lines.  It is computed that the Germans opposing the French have lost at least 20,000 men, when the British on the immediate left and before Ypres have caused the enemy a loss of 10,000.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  HOSPITAL ACCOMMODATION.  The demand, by reason of the greater number of our wounded soldiers, on all our hospitals are so great that a soldier invalided from the front and four convalescents were transferred from Belfast on Thursday to Enniskillen military hospital at the Redoubt, where there are some beds to spare.  We venture the thought that all the accommodation which the county can provide for wounded soldiers may become necessary, and it would be well to prepare for the possible – nay probable – eventualities.  Enniskillen Town hall would offer unusual facilities for a hospital, the major and minor halls being suitably placed, and provided with water supply and lavatory accommodation, while other rooms available would afford accommodation to nurses and for a surgery.  The kitchen also is provided with a range for cooking and there is a lift to the top floor.  Ballinamallard provided a small hospital of five beds.  We hope that it may be availed off for convalescents and being on the line of railway it would be easily accessible though very slightly outside the limits of distance from a ‘large’ town.  It would suit convalescents well so as to free beds for serious cases.  It seems almost certain that there will be another winter campaign, and that the casualties in both the Navy and the Army will be heavy.  We must grit our teeth and face the realities of the situation.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  THE GREAT SENSATION OF THE HOUR – A COALITION GOVERNMENT.  We have had in high places the very men who ought to have known everything, and who had prepared for the crisis; but instead of augmenting, they were reducing the Navy and Army and helping the enemies of the kingdom and weakening our own defences.  Only a fortnight ago a ship was done to death within sight of our own shores, and Mr. Churchill disavows all responsibility for it.  Of course he does.  All incompetents do the same.  No destroyer waited near the Fastnet in British waters for the Lusitania, and she was done to death with 1,500 souls on board and not a gunboat to aid her.  Lord Charles Beresford had again and again demanded fast cruisers and more fast cruisers for such purposes, and the Churchill’s and McKenna’s and other incompetently men of the Treasury Bench merely smiled at the patriot sailor who knew the needs of the sea and the muddling of those in high office.  And the man they regarded as a crank was right, and they were wrong.  The assumption by Mr. Churchill of the right to force his own idea of strategy on the  Admiralty without or against the approval of the First Sea Lord, such as was his first rash attack on the Dardanelles without the support of the army and led to the resignation of Lord Fisher.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  Private W.  A.  Lipsett.  From information received by relatives and friends from his comrades in the 10th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force, it is feared that private W. A. Lipsett, a son of the late Mr. Robert Lipsett, of Ballyshannon County Donegal, lost his life in leading a hand grenade charge against the German trenches during the fighting at Saint Julien.  Private Lipsett was a member of the Irish Bar, and left this country for Canada two or three years ago.  He came over with the first Canadian Expeditionary Force and went to the front with them.  His brother Lieutenant L. R. Lipsett, Army Service Corps, is also a member of the Irish Bar.  Both are cousins of Lieutenant Colonel Lipsett who was mentioned in the Canadian “Eye witness’s” account of the gallant stand made by the Colonial troops at Saint Julien.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  Death of  Brigadier General Cole.  Brigadier General Arthur Willoughby George Lowry Cole, C.B., D.S.O, whose death from wounds is reported from Headquarters in France, was a distinguished member of the Fermanagh family of which the Earl of Enniskillen is the head.  He was the eldest son of the late Colonel Arthur Lowry Cole, C.B., and Elizabeth Francis, daughter of the late Rear-Admiral Villiers Francis Hatton and grandson of the late General the Hon.  Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole G.C.B., M.P.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  WAR NEWS.  A winter campaign.  It is daily becoming more evident that we shall have to face a winter campaign.  The progress of the war, while very slow, is exceedingly heavy in casualties: decisive battles have not taken place, while on the other hand men are fighting day and night, and dying for us at home.  We must make up our minds for it – a winter campaign, and the absolute necessity for conscription to draw out the loafers and fill the ranks of an augmented army.

3000 butchers have ceased doing business in and around Liverpool owing to the greatly increased price of meat.  There is no demand

3000 Aliens have already been interned in England in the new camps, many of the Germans being voluntary surrenders.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  SCARING THE TURKS WHO HAVE A DREAD OF THE BAYONET.  SUCCESS IN THE DARDANELLES ASSURED.  Cairo, Monday.  An observer who has just returned from the Dardanelles describe the position of the Allies as all that could be desired from the point of view of strength and health.  The Turkish forces he said could not move the British from their present positions especially at Saribar, which was of great strategic importance. The British were biding their time.  A formidable task lay ahead, but success was assured.  The trenches are sometimes only 30 yards apart, and Turkish attacks were constantly repulsed.  The enemy would never face the British bayonet while the British were only held up by machine gun fire.  The observer added that the British had behaved splendidly, showing valour worthy of their highest traditions.  They had done all that was expected of them.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  THE INNISKILLINGS.  COLONEL JONES OF THE 27TH HAS DIED OF HIS WOUNDS.  We deeply regret to learn from the War Office returns that Lieutenant-Colonel Francis G.  Jones, commanding the first battalion Royal Inniskilling fusiliers has died of wounds received in action at the Dardanelles.  He was 51 years of age, and the eldest son of the late Rev. Edward George Jones of Cecilstown Lodge, Mallow County Cork.  Colonel Jones commanded the details of the Inniskillings at Enniskillen during the Boer War and subsequently served in the war and had 30 year’s service in the old battalion.


Impartial Reporter. May 20 1915.  EARL KITCHENER WANTS 300,000 MORE RECRUITS to form new armies.  So he said in a general statement in the House of Lords on Tuesday on the military situation.  ‘I have said that I would let the country know when more men should be wanted for the war.  The time has come and I now call for 300,000 recruits to form new armies.  Those who are engaged in the production of war material of any kind should not leave their work.  It is to men who are not performing this duty I appeal, and I am convinced that the manhood of England still available will loyally respond by coming forward to take their share in this great struggle for a great cause.  (Cheers.)


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  3000 BUTCHERS CLOSE DOWN.  CRISIS IN THE MEAT TRADE.  The war has hastened what appears to be a crisis in the meat trade.  The higher the price of meat goes the more difficult it becomes for a trader to keep his head above water.  And so we find on one hand the people clamouring against the extortionate prices charged by prosperous butchers, and on the other hand these butchers, by the thousand closing their shops, because it is better to be idle that to trade at a loss. Meat which was formerly 10½ to 11 pence per pound is now selling at one 1s 1d and 1s 2d and before the butcher can sell at a profit he would have to charge 1s 3d. Among the causes are: – Ireland is being drained of cattle and immature stocks are being killed, which will have a serious effect on the breeding for years to come. The same applies to sheep.  So many lambs are being slaughtered that stocks will be limited for a long time.  Enormous quantities of meat are being sent to the soldiers at the front, many of whom are eating twice as much meat as formerly.  The chilled meat trade is crippled by high sea freight rates for more ships are engaged in other duty, and it is asserted that what chilled meat is being sold in Liverpool is brought from London.  Finally owing to foot-and-mouth disease there is an embargo forbidding the importation of cattle from Canada and the Argentine.


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  FLIES ARE GERMANY’S ALLIES.  Flies are disease carriers.  There will be more disease in the Europe than ever this year owing to the war.  Flies, once more, are disease carriers.  Therefore kill them at any time, but more than ever this year; and kill them at any stage.  The only good fly is a dead one said Dr. R King Brown at the Institute of Hygiene, London.


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  THE HARDEST THREE DAYS THE SINCE OF THE MARNE.  How we took “the hypnotic hill.”  The hardest three days since the Marne is an officer’s comment on the fighting which began on Sunday and ended on Tuesday with the storming of hill 165 at Notre Dame de Lorette.

“Early on Sunday, he said, the brigade was shown the hill and told it must be taken at all costs.  The men of my regiment shouted for joy.  The hill had hypnotised them for weeks and weeks with its tiers of trenches up the slopes.  Our artillery, concealed in mounds to the west, thundered forth, preparing the way for us.  We could see the shrapnel bursting over the Germans and shells ploughing up their trenches, blowing into the air bodies which danced like figures on wires.  At 7.00 we started along the sunken roads and under cover of copses.  The first German trench was on the fringe of a little wood.  In spite of mitrailleuses we dashed forward with fixed bayonets and rushed the trench before the Germans could recover from their stupor.  We were now at the beginning of the slope.  The second trench was carried after a fierce struggle.  We rushed on over heaps of the bodies of the enemy.  A perfect hail from the crest made us waver, but we kept on, taking every scrap of cover and protected by our light artillery, which rained shells on the crest and swept away the barbed wire.

We were now galled by fire from a little wood on the left, and the advance was rendered difficult by bayonets planted point upwards in the ground, which impaled those who fell.  At 11 o’clock the German reserves appeared on the top in compact masses, and although our artillery made great gaps in them we had to retire with only 100 yards gained.  The next day the battle had to be fought all over again.  At last, on the third morning, thanks to a double turning movement, we carried the height.  German corpses were strewed on the ground in many places a yard high.  The enemy lost far more heavily than we, and my men as their share of the bag captured 300.


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  JOTTINGS.  The remainder of the Inniskilling Dragoons and Cycling Corps left Enniskillen on Saturday for Magilligan Camp.

Private James Lynch, a native of Enniskillen, has been killed in action.  He was shot in the breast and died eight hours afterwards.

On last Thursday evening five wounded soldiers arrived in Enniskillen and were brought in motor car as to the military hospital.  They received their wounds at the fight for Hill 60.

Dr. Knox, at the last meeting of the Lisnaskea Guardians, reported that three cases of typhoid fever had been admitted to the fever hospital, and that he had to requisition the services of a night nurse.

We desire to draw the attention of parents to the very attractive scheme of scholarships which are being offered by the Sisters of Mercy, Enniskillen.


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  THE COMMANDER OF THE FIRST INNISKILLINGS, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL F.  G.  JONES IS KILLED.  He has died of wounds received in the Dardanelles where the 1st Battalion of the Inniskillings form part of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.  Lieutenant-Colonel Francis George Jones had a long and distinguished military career.  He served in Burma in 1892/3 and in the North West Frontier of India 1897/8 and also served in their South African WAR.  He took part in the relief of Ladysmith, including the action at Colenso, and was also present at the actions at Spion Kop, Vaal Kranz and Tugela Heights.


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  AGAINST LADY CONDUCTORS.  Tramway employees of the British Electric Traction Co., in South Staffordshire area, comprising a network of services, decided at a meeting on Saturday to demand an increase of half a penny an hour in wages, and the abolition of lady conductors now being trained.  Failing satisfaction, the men have decided to cease work on Saturday next.


Fermanagh Herald May 22nd. 1915.  ITALY DECLARES WAR.  Rome, Sunday. It is officially announced that Italy has declared war against Austria.  Its army and navy are mobilised and 1,200,000 troops are ready to fight.  The Italian Ambassador at Vienna has been recalled. A state of war between Italy and Austria will begin tomorrow, May 24th.  Continued animation prevails in the city.  The soldiers are everywhere acclaimed with enthusiasm.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  THREE TRAINS CRASH INTO EACH OTHER.  THE MOST APPALLING DEATH-ROLL EVER RECORDED IN BRITISH RAILWAY DISASTERS.  MANY SOLDIERS AMONG THE VICTIMS.  The most disastrous accident ever recorded in this country occurred on the Caledonian Railway close to Carlisle early on Saturday morning.  The three trains involved in the disaster where: – a fast train travelling from Carlisle south with a battalion of the Royal Scots carrying about 500 men; a local train which left Carlisle for the north at 6.10 a.m. and the London to Glasgow Express which left Euston at midnight.  The local train was standing on the slip line to allow the fast Carlisle train to pass when it was dashed into by the troop train.  Then, into the wreckage and scenes of death already wrought by the collision of the two first trains – the express from Carlisle.  Words fail to describe what followed.  The following can be taken as the figures up to the present: – bodies recovered or died in hospital 170, number of injured about 300.  All these did not come by their deaths or injuries through the collision.  Fire broke out in the troop train through gas ignition and this horror also claimed its victims.  The scene of the tragedy is Quinton Hill two miles distant from Gretna Green, with its romantic memories of fugitive marriages.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  HEROISM REWARDED.  BOA ISLAND TRAGEDY RECALLED.  In the courthouse, Enniskillen, yesterday (Wednesday) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cullen, Ardshankill, Boa Island, Kesh, were presented with two handsomely framed certificates and a cheque for £5 from the Carnegie Hero Fund for their heroism in saving the lives of William Snow and Thomas McCabe on the 24th of December last.  It will be remembered by our readers that the boat in which Snow, McCabe and a man named Gibson were crossing to Boa Island capsized.  Cullen and his wife hearing their cries for help rowed 400 yards to the rescue and succeeded, with great difficulty and risk to themselves, in saving the first two named but Gibson was drowned.  The presentation was publicly made by Mr. J.  E.  Collum, His Majesty’s Lieutenant, Fermanagh, who congratulated them on their heroic act.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  LOCAL NEWS.  *Leading short manufacturers in Derry have been receiving contracts from the War Office for 300,000 army shirts.

*A woman named Annie White, about 40 years of age, who was sentenced to one months imprisonment at Omagh Petty Sessions for insubordination at the Workhouse, was being conveyed in the train to Derry Jail and when about ½ mile from the city she suddenly thrust her hand out of the window, opened the door, jumped out and was killed.

*By order of Colonel Fagan in command of the Lough Swilly defences, the hours during which men in uniform may be served in licenced houses in Enniskillen are from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. This order supersedes the old order which permitted the men to be served between 5.00 p.m. and 10 pm.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  FERMANAGH, ACCORDING TO THE MILITARY AUTHORITIES themselves, has already done fairly well in supplying recruits for the new armies, and there can be no doubt that has done splendidly in proportion to its population, compared with very many other counties in Ireland.  Its resources, however, in this direction have been by no means exhausted, or even very seriously affected, and consequently there is ample scope for the operations of the district committee is formed yesterday Wednesday to stimulate recruiting in different parts of the county.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  MOTORING SEASON IN FERMANAGH.  NEW LIGHTWEIGHT MOTOR CYCLE.  With the advent of good weather and drier roads motor cyclists are making their appearance on our Fermanagh roads in increasingly large numbers and all sorts and conditions of machines are daily to be seen passing through Enniskillen and other towns in the county.  The motor cycle as a means of rapid, economical and healthy travelling has beyond doubt come to stay and the largest motor firms in Great Britain are catering more and more for the swiftly growing demand which has of late years arisen for these machines.  This season there is an exceptionally keen demand for reliable light weight motor bicycles which can be purchased at a moderate figure, and in order to satisfy this demand in the County Fermanagh and the adjacent districts Mr. Josiah Maguire, Darling Street, Enniskillen, has just placed on the market two machines of this description which merit more than passing notice on the part of those thinking of embarking upon a new purchase. One of these is a two-stroke” which has been appropriately named the “Erne” and which is certain to become very popular as soon as its merits and reliability have become properly known.  A representative of the Fermanagh Times has inspected the machine during the week and the following description of its principal parts would give our motoring readers some idea of it. Price – single speed model 25 guineas; two speed counter shaft model £33; two speed countershaft gear and free engine clutch £35.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  THE GOVERNMENT AND RACE MEETINGS.  A REQUEST FOR GENERAL SUSPENSION IN GREAT BRITAIN.  NEWMARKET EXCEPTED.  The following letter has been sent by Mr. Runciman to the Jockey Club on the subject of race meetings.

Dear Captain Greer, – the Government have ascertained and appreciate the motives actuating the Stewards of the Jockey Club in continuing to give their sanction to those of the race meetings which have taken place since the outbreak of the war and we have been fully conscious of your desire to protect the interests of those persons who are dependent upon horse racing and horse breeding for their livelihood.

The general feeling on both sides of the House of Commons is, however, so strongly against the meetings being continued that the government have felt the present moment opportune for further consideration of the subject.  I have to inform you that owing to the circumstances of the war, and in particular the necessity for keeping the whole of our British railway system free from congestion at any time for the rapid and unimpeded transit of troops and of munitions, and the special conditions of the munition areas, think it necessary to ask the Stewards of the Jockey Club to suspend all race meetings in Great Britain after this week for the duration of the war.  The only exception to this general suspension should be at Newmarket, the particular circumstances and industries of which, dependent as they are entirely on racing, combine to make this exception expedient.  Yours very truly, Walter Runciman.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  STEWARDS COMPLY WITH THE REQUEST.  Speaking at a dinner given by the British Industries Fair in London on Thursday night Mr. Runciman said the seriousness of the national task before the country could not be exaggerated.  Referring to his letter to the Senior Stewards of the Jockey Club, he said that the Stewards at once complied with the request, and from the end of this week, with the exception of Newmarket, they would not sanction any race meeting until peace was declared.  This was a striking instance of the sacrifices the people at home were prepared to make, while the younger generation were doing their work at the front.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  IRISH RACING.  As Mr. Runciman’s letter particularly mentions Great Britain racing in Ireland is apparently excepted from the request of the Government and the decision of the Stewards.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  PLAIN SPEAKING ABOUT THE WAR.  EXTRAORDINARY ALLEGATIONS.  THE SCANDAL OF THE SHELLS.  LORD KITCHENER’S GRAVE ERROR.  (From the Daily Mail.)  The new government may have to bear the brunt of much darker days than any we have yet faced.  It is possible that the men whose names will be put before the nation in the next few days may be responsible to the country at the time of an actual attempted invasion – the first invasion on any scale of importance since 1066.  For we do not believe for one moment that the Germans are keeping their vast fleet of warships and transports rotting in idleness.  We believe that when the hour suits them – perhaps in some last moment of desperation – their fleet will strike with the intention of terrifying the people of these are islands into a peace on their own terms.  That is why it is so vitally urgent that the two most important factors in our national life at the present time – the organisation of the Navy and the organisation of the Army – should be placed in the best available hands and at once.


It is now an open secret that the Navy has suffered seriously during the past nine months by the quarrel between Lord Fisher and Mr. Churchill – the quarrel between the professional expert of lifelong experience and the politician.  At the time of writing we are not yet assured that the control of the Navy is where it should be – in the untrammelled hands of Lord Fisher.


Then comes the great question of the Army.  In the dark days when Lord Haldane – who, we can definitely say, is going – showed signs of renewed tinkering with the Army, The Daily Mail suggested that Lord Kitchener should take charge of the raising of the new troops.  Lord Kitchener at once saw the size of that part of his job, and that part of the work was done as well as anyone could do it.  We have never liked, and the public have never liked, the use of Lord Kitchener’s name – instead of the King’s – in connection with these armies and the public has greatly disliked some of the publishing methods employed by Lord Kitchener, but it has pardoned them in the urgent need of the moment, and the soldiers are there – how many nobody knows; German estimates place them at two million, though they say that these men are largely unprovided with arms.  Whether the Germans are right or wrong we do not know.  But what we do know is that Lord Kitchener has starved the Army in France of high-Explosive shells.


The German aeroplanes which hover over our positions all day long know how we stand at the front in regard to numbers of men, and the work of the German spies at the ports of departure in England and those of arrival in France adds to their information. A Liberal newspaper which is in very close touch with the Government yesterday (Thursday) spoke of the quarrel between Lord Kitchener and Sir John French.  There should be no such quarrel.  It has never been pretended that Lord Kitchener is a soldier in the sense that Sir John French is a soldier.  Lord Kitchener is a gatherer of men – and a very fine gatherer too.  But his record in the South African War as a fighting general – apart from his excellent organising work as Chief of the Staff – was not brilliant.  The opinion which Lord Roberts expressed as to his handling of troops at Paardeberg is well known, and we have never met a soldier who held any other opinion.  Nothing in Lord Kitchener’s experience suggest that he has the qualifications required for conducting a European campaign in the field, and we can only hope that no such misfortune will befall this nation as that he should be permitted to interfere with the actual strategy of this gigantic war.


The admitted fact that Lord Kitchener ordered the wrong kind of shell –the same kind of shell which he used largely against the Boers in 1900 – has alarmed the whole army in France and also the armies of our Allies.  He persisted in sending shrapnel, a useless weapon in trench warfare.  It is now admitted that he was warned repeatedly that the kind of shell required was a violently explosive bomb which would dynamite its way through the German trenches, and entanglements and enable our brave men to advance safely.  The kind of shell our poor soldiers have had has caused the deaths of thousands of them.  Incidentally it has brought about a national crisis and the formation of what we hope he’s going to be a National Government.

We are not a military nation, and therefore do not understand the difference between soldiers and soldiers.  Sir John Collins is a great soldier, one of the greatest soldiers in the world.  It is to him we owe the superb arrangements for the feeding of our troops.  Sir William Robertson, Sir John French’s Chief of Staff, is a great soldier.  To him is due the fine Staff work of the British Army in France.  Lord Kitchener is a great soldier.  We owe to Sir John French the leadership which has enabled a handful of men from the British Islands, their Dominions, and India to hold back the mightiest army in the world, the remorseless horde which has been preparing for this particular struggle for 44 years.  Not being a military nation we do not know how to discriminate between various types of soldiers.  It by any mischance Lord Kitchener went to France to conduct the campaign we should probably have a costly object lesson in the difference between African and European warfare.  It is to be hoped that Lord Kitchener – with proper and necessary assistance – will remain at the War Office, though when compulsory service comes his sphere of usefulness will, of course, be greatly diminished.

That compulsion is coming and coming soon, is proved by the extremities to which Lord Kitchener is reduced.  The advertisement he published yesterday urging the enlistment of men of 40, married men – which we greatly regret having printed and which The Daily Mail will decline to print again – is proof of it.  Men of 40 should not be used until the recruiting powers of the country are exhausted.  The expenditure that is coming upon this nation in the near future in the matter of the dependants of married men who have been advertised into the Army is one nobody thinks off in this moment of extravagance.  The expense, however, is a small part of it.  There are the breakup of homes, the breakup of businesses which follow the enlistment of married men, the sorrow and grief of wives and children that should be considered.  It is no testimony to Lord Kitchener’s organising ability that this gross unfairness should continue.  Rather it is an indication that his life in India and Egypt has made him unacquainted with British conditions.  We invite him on Sunday to take a stroll down Oxford Street to the City and return by the Strand.  He would meet some thousands of capable young “slackers” who are staying at home and, as one of our correspondents said yesterday, stealing the businesses of married men who have gone to the front.  In the midst of all the confusion of cabinet making the vital question of the Navy, the shortage of high explosive shells, and the sending of men to France are being forgotten.  True, it may only be a matter of a few days, but, as someone has remarked recently, things happen at such a pace in 1915 that the events which would fill six months of an ordinary year are crowded into a single week.  Our little Army cannot wait.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  THE POLITICAL CRISIS.  FOUR MAIN REASONS.  One – the quarrel between Mr. Churchill and Lord Fisher at the Admiralty; a conflict which began with the undertaking of the Dardanelles expedition.  Mr. Churchill carried the War Council on this, and it was undertaken before the Cabinet were informed.  The Cabinet were committed to it by the movement of ships before they had any formal notification.  Lord Fisher, for his part, considered that the enterprise should not have been begun unless it was supported by land forces, but he also was committed to it.  Mr. Churchill was counting on the support of Greek forces on land, a calculation which was not justified by the event.  It is now hoped that Lord Fisher will withdraw his resignation, and the possibility of Mr. Churchill being placed at the India Office is being discussed.


Two – the Cabinet have not been kept informed by Lord Kitchener as to supplies of high-explosive shells sent out to our troops at the front.  It is the fact that huge supplies of shells  have been, and are being sent out but the proportion of shrapnel is greater than the proportion of high-explosives shell, and the Army Command require that the proportion of high-explosives shells should be greater.  The fact that the Cabinet have been to some extent kept in the dark of late on this matter accounts for some apparent discrepancies in recent ministerial statements.


Three – the opposition leaders were in possession of facts as to the high-explosive shells and threatened a debate in the House of Commons, in which their statements should be proved.  Such a debate would have gravely undermined the authority of the Government and coupled with the resignation of Lord Fisher with a consequent disappearing either of the First Sea Lord or Mr. Churchill, would, in all human probability, have led to the disastrous downfall of the King’s Government in the midst of the national peril of this war, with consequences most lamentable.


Four – there have been on both sides, some leading statesmen in favour of a Coalition Ministry for the prosecution of the war.  They are few, but influential.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  FIVE BROTHERS KILLED IN ACTION.  Five brothers named Furey, all belonging to the Connaught Rangers, have been killed in action.  There are three other brothers in the army, one of them, Private W.  Furey of the3rd Battalion Inniskilling Fusiliers, stationed at Derry has received notification of the death of the fifth brother, a native of Loughrea.  Their mother, a widow, has received a letter of sympathy from Lord Kitchener and expresses appreciation of the patriotism of her family.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  RECRUITING IN FERMANAGH.  DISTRICT COMMITTEES FORMED.  Mr. E.M. Archdale said he thought the fairest means of getting men was conscription.  If it was enforced it would not take the good men and leave the “shirkers” at home all fit men would have to go. He hoped sincerely from the bottom of his heart that the Coalition Government would have the pluck to bring in conscription. The chairman of Fermanagh County Council, Mr. J. McHugh was unanimously elected Chairman of the Fermanagh Committee.  Mr. McHugh, who thereupon took the chair, returned thanks for the honour and said that although he had no family of his own he had two nephews, one engaged repelling the Turks and one on a British cruiser.  (Hear, hear).  He would only be too happy to see everyone rallying around the flag to ward off the Kaiser. (Hear, hear). Among the list of committee members in different areas are – Belleek and Garrison – Messrs. F.  Leonard, P.  Ferguson, E. Elliott, J. J. Acheson, G.  Maye, J.  Tierney, P. Scott, J. P.; J. Timoney, J. P.; Thomas Daly, James Cleary and H. Wilson.


Kesh and Pettigo.  Messrs. W. J. May, J. R. Crozier, J. P.; A. Gibson, R. Phillips, J. P.; Adam Ogle, J. McElroy, John McHugh, James Aiken, Irvine Ingram, W. P. D. Irvine, James Murphy and Dr. Patton.

These committees were given power to add to their number and it was decided that the clergymen of the different denominations should be ex-officio members of the local committees.  Major Johnston mentioned that he got very little assistance in most of the districts he had visited on recruiting missions with the exception of Belleek, Pettigo and Newtownbutler.  He remarked that Fr. O’Doherty had sent him in a number of men and Mr. Michael McCusker (Derrygonnelly) had brought him five recruits that morning.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  AIR CRAFT AND BIG BOMBS.  The French aviators have shown great activity all along the front and have succeeded in several bomb throwing adventurers.  They have thrown 203 projectiles of which 83 were large bombs of 10 kilos each and 14 shells of 155 calibre weighing 43 kilos each.  The efficiency of the explosives was verified at several points notably at the German Aviation Depot S. E. Roisel, where a shed and a machine took fire, and the German Reserve Park for Aircraft at Grand Priel, N.  W. of St. Quentin where a part of a roof was broken down and a petrol depot hit.  During the preceding night four shells were thrown on the Railway Station at Douai and a fire was seen to break out in the neighbourhood of the goods shed.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  THINGS PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW.  *What do shopkeepers in Enniskillen think of the system of street sweeping by our Corporation workmen, which fills their premises and covers their goods with a thick cloud of dust of the most objectionable kind?  At least one shop in East Bridge Street had to close its doors altogether one morning unto the street sweeping in its vicinity had concluded.  Who is responsible for this unsatisfactory and insanitary method of working?

*If the discussion on recruiting, which took place at Lisnaskea District Council does not throw some light upon the influences which are quietly at work in some parts of Fermanagh – as elsewhere – to prevent young men of joining the army at the present time?

Is it not a matter of concern to know that the number of people admitted into Omagh Lunatic Asylum from County Fermanagh is increasing although our population is seriously that decreasing and is that institution not unhealthily overcrowded at the present time?

*How many yards up or down the streets of Enniskillen can a soldier now walk without having to salute to an officer?  And in a small place like this where the same officers and men meet perhaps 20 times in the course of a day there should not be some temporary modification of this ceremony.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  LOCAL MILITARY NEWS.  Lieutenant Knight and his party who continue to have very satisfactory results in the recruiting campaign throughout the county, travelled to Ederney on Friday.  The people of the village give them a most hospitable reception.  Refreshments were supplied and an open air meeting was held, over which Mr. J. R. Crozier, J. P., presided and delivered a rousing speech.  Brief addresses were also made by Mr. Adam Ogle, Sergeant O’Reilly, R.I.C, Kesh; ex-Sergeant William Herrerin (late the 3rd Battalion Inniskillings), and Lieutenant Knight.

Afterwards the party marched to Lack where they were again well received.  Later in the day they were enthusiastically welcomed by the people of Irvinestown.  Tea was supplied to them in Mr. Edward Johnson’s Commercial Hotel where, as usual “the thing was well done”.  The principal movers in regard to the reception were we are informed Dr. Aiken and Messrs.  Oliver Emery, John Armstrong, W. McNeill and Edward Johnson.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  THE BATTLE OF YPRES.  TWENTY DAYS FIGHTING.  Our losses may have been heavy says a correspondent and the sacrifices great but the main thing is that the Germans failed in their attempt to break our line, though their troops were superior in numbers and their guns more numerous than ours.  The battle really began on April 20th, when the Germans began heavy shelling of Ypres, which continued for two days, with occasional infantry attacks.  The Rifle Brigade opened a withering fire upon the advancing columns of the Germans with machine guns they had brought with them.  On May 3rd of the occupation of the new line was ordered, and the troops were gradually withdrawn from the trenches, picked shots successfully holding back the enemy.  The

R.A.M. C.  Territorials cheerfully faced the danger of the shell-swept area, and as soon as dark had fallen went boldly out of cover, and succeeded in collecting nearly all the casualties.  Dispatch riders constantly carried important orders through a road over which a curtain of shell was maintained.  If one man was killed than another took his place and the dispatch reached its destination.  Special praise is given to the 8th Territorial Battalion Durham Light Infantry in its splendid feat in relieving the Canadians.

Private Lynn (Lancashire Fusiliers) without stopping to put on his respirator turned his machine gun on the advancing gas, and also on the German trenches beyond it.  Even when the gas reached him he would not stop, but kept up a fierce fire compelling the enemy to retire and he had to be literally dragged away from his gun.  He was removed by ambulance, and died the same day.

The Captain of the 2nd Monmouths, who was wounded in two places in the head, refused to leave his men, and carried on till he became unconscious.  When he was picked up he was found to be suffering from two other wounds in the body.  In the attack on St. Julien on April 25th one portion of the trenches where Captain Railston (1st Rifle Brigade) was in command was almost blotted out by the enemy’s fire, and men were falling on all sides.  A retirement was suggested, but Captain Railston retorted, “Retire, be damned”, and carried on so successfully in a ruined trench, that though he was buried twice and wounded by a shell he bluffed the Germans during the whole day.  Only three men besides himself were left, and yet by running up and down the trench and firing several rounds rapidly when any German advance was attempted these four heroes kept the enemy back till two companies of the regiment arrived in support.

Sergeant Cooke, Dublin Fusiliers, had perched himself on the top of a farm, from which he could look down upon the German trenches.  In one of them he saw an officer and 10 men crawling along the back of the trench, and with the extraordinary coolness he picked off the men one by one.  Then hurrying down from his point of vantage he ran into the other end of the trench and levelling his rifle at the astonished lieutenant shouted “Hands up”.  A few minutes later Cook walked back to his own lines triumphantly escorting his prisoner.

Major Crichton was shot down and his leg shattered, but he refused to be removed, staying with his men, the 10th Hussars.  He sat there on the ground waving his arms and cheering them on, ever exhorting them to renewed efforts.


Fermanagh Times May 27th, 1915.  INNISKILLINGS HEAVY LOSSES.  The 2nd Battalion of the Royal Inniskillings Fusiliers have apparently been engaged in heavy fighting in France or Belgium.  For some days passed the relatives of a large number of men of the Inniskillings have been receiving notification of casualties from the War Office and Tuesday mornings casualty list contains the names of no fewer than nine officers of, or attached to, the 2nd Battalion, whilst a tenth has been privately notified.  Three of the officers mentioned have been killed and seven wounded.


Impartial Reporter. May 27 1915.  AS SEEN IN A HOSPITAL HOW OUR MEN SUFFER.  Mr. Alex Powell, an American, writing of what he saw in the hospital at Bailleul, so close to the firing line that the window panes rattled with the concussion of the musket fire, says in the course of a long and interesting article – The surgeon in charge took me to the ward which contained the more serious cases.  In a cot beside the door was stretched a young Canadian.  His face might have been stepped upon by a giant in spiked shoes.  ‘Look,’ said the surgeon, and lifted the woollen blanket.  That man’s body looked like a field which had been gone over with a disc harrow.  His feet, his legs, his abdomen, his chest, his face were furrowed with gaping angry wounds.  ‘He was shot through the hand,’ explained the surgeon.  ‘He made his way back to the dressing station in the reserve trenches, but just as he had reached it a shell exploded at his feet.’

I patted him on the shoulder, and told him that I too knew the land of the great forests and the rolling prairies, and that before long he was going back to it.  And though he couldn’t speak he turned that poor, torn face of his and smiled at me.  He must have been suffering the tortures of the damned, but he smiled at me, – I tell you – he smiled at me.


Impartial Reporter. May 27 1915.  FEELING AGAINST  MR. CHURCHILL. A strong feeling of hostility has developed in the Liberal Party against the inclusion of Mr. Churchill in the new Ministry.  It is felt by the greater number of Liberals that Mr. Churchill, by his rashness and impatience, has been one of the chief factors in jeopardising the Liberal Government’s fortunes, and that although the party are indebted to him in the past for great services, he is in no different position in this respect from other able Ministers who are now, from patriotic motives, relinquishing their offices to make room for Unionists.


Impartial Reporter. May 27 1915.  THE TURKS ARE ADEPT AT SNIPING.  THEY KILL OFF OUR OFFICERS.  A deplorable feature of our casualty lists continues to be the high percent of officers killed and wounded.  Colonial officers suffered in the charge of May 8 as heavily as British officers on other occasions in the Dardanelles. There can be no doubt that the German officers have carefully coached their men to recognise and pick off our officers.  The Turks, indeed show special aptitude for the art of sniping.  After every advance days are passed before solitary snipers could be cleared out of the occupied area.  They hide themselves in burrows with a week’s provisions and 1,000 rounds of ammunition.


Fermanagh Herald May 29nd. 1915.  THE NORTHCLIFFE PRESS AND LORD KITCHENER.  A SCENE ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE.  A remarkable scene occurred on Friday in the Stock Exchange of a demonstration in favour of Lord Kitchener on account of an article attacking him which appeared in in the “Daily Mail.” A meeting of members was held at 2.30, when Mr. Charles Clarke, one of the most popular men on the Exchange, made a short speech eulogising the Secretary for War and a resolution was passed expressing the entire confidence of the members in Lord Kitchener and strong indignation at the venomous attacks which had been made upon him.  A telegram embodying the terms of the resolution was sent to the Prime Minister.  Loud cheers for Lord Kitchener were then given by the large crowd assembled, and the incident ended with the burning of their “Daily Mail.”


Fermanagh Herald May 29nd. 1915.  A SCURRILOUS AND MENDACIOUS ATTACK.  The Daily Chronicle says: – If this country were Russia, Germany or Austria the attack on Lord Kitchener which was made yesterday in the Times and Daily Mail would have had a swift sequel.  Lord Northcliffe would have been taken out into a courtyard and shot within 48 hours.  That is not a conjecture but a statement of fact.  If it were France or Italy he would probably have been lynched within a shorter interval, and his premises at Carmelite Street and Printing House Square would certainly have been gutted.  What is to be done in face of such a danger as these anti-patriotic journals present?  If the new Coalition Government ignores it, as it has been officially ignored hitherto it will go the way of its predecessor.


Fermanagh Herald May 29nd. 1915.  Gunfire and rainfall.  Dr. H. R. Hill, Director of the British Rainfall Organisation, at a meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society discredited the theory that the heavy rainfall of last winter was due to the firing at the seat of war.  In the same way he said, the heavy winter of 1903 had been explained by the general adoption of wireless telegraphy.  The fact that 1873 was equally if not wetter without the aid of Hertzian waves and that no year since 1903 had been nearly so wet in spite of the enormous increase of radio telegraphy, showed the fallacy of the inference.


Fermanagh Herald May 29nd. 1915.  THE CENSORSHIP.  FIVE TONS OF MAILS ARE EXAMINED EACH WEEK.  From 30,000 to 50,000 telegrams pass through the hands of the censors in the United Kingdom every 24 hours.  The censors are mainly retired naval and military officers.  All mails which have to be censored are necessarily subjected to some delay, but harmless letters whether private or commercial are not stopped, even when coming from an enemy country or addressed to an enemy person.  No letter however, addressed to an enemy country can be transmitted unless its envelope is left open and is enclosed in a cover addressed to a neutral country.  Letters in which any kind of code or secret writing is used are liable to be stopped even if the message appears to be harmless and totally unconnected with the war.  In the private branch more than a ton of mail matter is censored every week exclusive of parcels.


Fermanagh Herald May 29nd. 1915.  JOTTINGS.  There Enniskillen Guardians have decided to procure the new ferry boat and to have one of the existing two repaired and the other one sold.  Mr. Gilligan and Mr. Liddy were unanimously appointed to look after the matter.

At a meeting of the County Fermanagh Grand Orange Lodge, held on Thursday evening, it was resolved that owing to the war and the death of a large number of officers and men the longing to the Order, not to hold the usual demonstration in the county on the 12th of July.

Among those wounded in the war who have written home to their relatives are: – Private Patrick Reilly, 14 Dame Street, Enniskillen Private F. Fitzpatrick writing to his sister at number 11 Strand Street Enniskillen. Major C.  C.  Mason, of the Australian infantry wounded at the Dardanelles is a nephew of Mr. JC Mason, J.P. of the Moy, Enniskillen.  Private Patrick Durnian of Monmurry, Brookeborough, who volunteered from Glasgow has been wounded in action and the relatives of Private John Baxter another Brookeborough man in the Inniskillings, have had similar news concerning him.

His mother at Maguiresbridge has been notified that Private George Stewart, of the Canadian contingent has been wounded in action.  Before emigrating eight years ago, he was in the employment of the Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway at Enniskillen and as war was declared became one of the first to volunteer from Montreal when the war broke out, sailing with the first contingent.

DEATHS. Killed in action at Ypres, on the 22nd of April, William A. Lipsett, barrister-at-law aged 29, of the Grenade company 10th Battalion, 1st Canadian Division.  Youngest son of the late Robert Lipsett and Mrs. Lipsett, Ballyshannon.  He fell gallantly leading a hand grenade charge on the night of April 22.